• Fabrication d'un semoir à 4 rangs (en bois)


    Plus d'infos :

    => La chaine Youtube de WayOutWest Blowinblog

    A blog about our life on a smallholding in the West of Ireland. We've been here 10 years now - 'blow-ins' from abroad - getting by and learning more all the time. We both have part-time jobs, but this is where we want to be - pottering around the place with our garden, workshop and our animals, feeling very lucky that we have this lovely piece of land - long may it last. We grow lots of our own food here, as you'll see, and we eat very well. But we aren't really self-sufficient - and we don't want to be either. Much better to be part of a wider community and help each other. You'll notice we aren't very tidy, we get by on a shoe-string and make do wherever we can without spending anything. But mostly we're very happy and appreciate the great life we're building for ourselves. We hope our films will inspire a bit, and entertain and even help you do similar things - please ask questions if you like. And of course, please subscribe and share any of these films if you like them.

    Fabrication d'un semoir à 4 rangs (en bois)

    Fabrication d'une roue en bois à partir d'une jante de roue de vélo

    L'axe des roues de vélo est trop faible si on fixe la roue d'un seul côté. (tout dépend aussi de la charge à supporter)
    Un gros axe en tube est plus solide. (rendement moins bon car plus de frottement qu'avec des roulements à billes).
    D'où l'idée de ce Monsieur de fabriquer une roue en bois en conservant seulement la jante et le pneu.
    PS : il existe des moyeux de roues de vélo avec des axes plus gros et plus solides (utilisés sur les VTT canondale avec fourche monobras ou sur les roues avant des tricycles couchés et vélomobiles)

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